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文章主題:請問CSI第六季,海瑟夫人女兒那一集劇情? |
發表日期:2007/06/18 23:49:48 |
貓眼 |
E-mail:meko.eyes@msa.hinet.net |
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篇 | 點閱 30881 次
一整個呆掉了 :Q
在估狗查到只看到說她女兒被抓去做實驗掛了? @@
真是太震撼了 @@ |
文章主題:RE:請問CSI第六季,海瑟夫人女兒那一集劇情? |
發表日期:2007/06/19 03:38:07 |
DonDon |
E-mail:donsu@bellsouth.net |
IP:167.193.*.* |
Off a deep desert highway, gusts of windblown sand and rolling tumbleweeds pay no mind to an emaciated female found face down, no hair, no clothes, no shoes…and no right hand. She was spotted by a landscaper on his way to a job in Palm Springs. Grissom and Nick figure that a wild animal probably disarticulated the hand. Brass feels otherwise: the wild animal is whoever starved and dumped this poor woman here. David Phillips finds the number 19 branded on her upper arm. Bald, starved and numbered: is somebody running a Nazi concentration camp? In autopsy, things begin to echo that sentiment when Dr. Robbins finds one eye more dessicated than the other. Samples of both eyes' vitreous fluid are taken to get an accurate reading for a T.O.D. In the process, they discover the woman's optic nerve has been severed on her right eye. The left one is still intact. Dr. Robbins has him clip both eyes and send them to the DNA lab where Wendy Simms runs a tox screen along with her normal genetic tests. She reports to Sara that OXYCODONE and chlorpromazine were found in both eyes. One kills pain, the other quells panic. It gets weirder: the dried up eyeball belonged to someone else--a male. By the time the woman's autopsy is over, Dr. Robbins and Grissom are inclined to believe that Dr. Mengele may be working out in the desert. The victim has puncture wounds in all her glandular areas from large gauge needles. She also had a D&C, possibly for polyps, hyperplasia or infection. Evidence also shows she suffered from necrotizing faciitis, a flesh-eating disease. However, it looks like the bacterium was directly introduced into her blood stream to get at her internal organs because her skin is fine.
DNA taken from the dried up dead eye has identifies it as belonging to Jack Landers, a man with multiple arrests, the latest one for indecent exposure. Brass and Sara visit a halfway house where Ruben Caster, the parole officer in charge, explains that after missing a probation appointment, Jack checked in wearing pirate garb, thinking he was Captain Crunch. He had a patch over his eye, was rambling and delusional.
At the Desert Palms hospital, Nick joins them. They didn't get any hits from AFIS on their female victim, so they're reaching out to the public in hopes of someone making identification. Dr. Mulligan, who has been examining Jack, notes that he is missing his right eye and suspects he's been lobotomized. A CT scan will confirm that, but Sara knows that "Captain Jack" is not a suspect--he's a victim. There's a number 18 branded on his upper left arm. Meanwhile, back at the station, Brass meets with a mysterious woman in his office. She's dressed in black, including the tint on her immaculate fingernails. She is "Lady Heather" Kessler, a dominatrix and friend of Grissom. She identifies victim #19 as her daughter, Zoe.
Despite his mysterious past with "Lady Heather," Grissom presses on with the investigation, visiting Zoe's crummy apartment. There's an eviction notice plastered to the door, the manager having not received rent in three months. Piled up mail indicates she's not been home. The M.E. has concluded that she died yesterday. Where's she been all this time? There are volumes of German poetry, philosophy: Rilke, Goethe, and Freud. She was smart. Multi-lingual. Went to Harvard. According to Catherine, Lady Heather was very proud of her. Her answering machine has a number of calls from The Betz Clinic wanting to follow up on her "tests." One of the last things Grissom finds is a photo of Zoe in better days. She has heterochromia: one blue eye, one brown eye. It usually results from a childhood injury. Melanocytes of the iris don't regenerate, so the eye gets lighter. Jack-the-pirate's eyes were blue. Maybe somebody was trying to give Zoe a matching set of baby blues?
Grissom finally reunites with Lady Heather as she exits the autopsy theatre, trying to remain stoic after seeing her daughter's horrendous condition. She had been estranged from Zoe the past year after the girl dropped out of school. She knew of no medical conditions that would compel her daughter to seek testing. Grissom informs Lady Heather that after participating in a medical study at the Betz Clinic she went missing. He tells her where the body was found, off Old Highway 55, near Sparks. She exits.
At the Betz Pharmaceutical Clinic, Greg and Catherine serve a warrant for Zoe Kessler's file. She participated in a "sleep study" because she suffered from chronic insomnia. They check out the test rooms, which are like comfortable bedrooms. They all had vid-cam coverage. They come away with a revelation: Zoe and Captain Jack participated in the same sleep study. And both "left early"--i.e. in the middle of the night. The mystery surrounding their sudden disappearance takes a dark turn when Nick learns from Wendy Simms that the sinew found in Zoe's teeth is the victim's flesh. She tried to gnaw off her own hand, which is what animals do when they're caught in traps.
That sends Warrick, Greg and 50 CSI cadets on a field exercise in the desert where the body was found. They're looking for the missing hand and any other pertinent evidence. After cresting a hill, Greg spies a remote house with a large barn behind it. What a strange place to live… As they approach the barn, flies swarm and they smell decomp. However, the smell is coming from plants. The owner of the place is cultivating purple pumpkins, Venus Flytraps, and a weird species: Amorphophallus Titanum, aka Corpse Flower. The barn is all about genetic modification of plants. So what's in the house? They see a package addressed to Jacob Wolfowitz. He's the doctor who ran the sleep study at the Betz Clinic. When they knock on the door, Lady Heather answers: "He's not home."
There's an unresolved emotional cloud hanging over the interview room as Grissom tries to find out whether Lady Heather is playing vigilante or impeding a homicide investigation. She admits to breaking and entering Mr. Wolfowitz's house, which she found by googling the background on the doctor who administered her daughter's "sleep tests." She stole a framed "Romulus and Remus" etching from the place, printed from a woodcut block, probably worth thousands. She's hoping that Wolfowitz will press charges so the police can investigate. However, she gets the sense that it was part of a book, and perhaps stolen. Grissom realizes that she is giving him the ways and means to go after a suspect in her daughter's murder. Brass presents the theft case to the Zen calm Wolfowitz, who declines to press charges against Lady Heather, believing she is a grief-stricken, disturbed woman. Brass learns that he has worked at Betz Pharmaceuticals for 18 years. He enjoys solitude and gardening. He thinks nature is chaotic, and that man is destined to bring order to it. Later, in the evidence room, Professor Rambar authenticates the Romulus and Remus illustration as 16th century, etched with iron gall ink, the clean edge strongly suggesting that Wolfowitz tore it from a manuscript using spit and string. Later, the Professor finds the manuscript at the UNLV Library and ties it to their suspect. That gives the police a warrant for Wolfowitz's DNA.
Meanwhile, Catherine and Greg are reviewing the vid-cam footage from the Betz Lab sleep study, watching Zoe get out of bed four hours in, remove her electrodes, and gather her belongings and exit. A narrow band of dim light suggests someone entered and beckoned her to come out. The same thing happened to Pirate Jack Landers. Wolfowitz had access to both victims. Then a call comes in. Their suspect is found in his car at the Betz Clinic's parking lot, no bleeding, no sign of trauma, dead for six hours. Dr. Robbins autopsy reveals that Wolfowitz's heart has been frozen solid--so he's not a cold-blooded killer, he's a cold-hearted victim. It takes two days to freeze a body to the core. However, Dr. Robbins notes bruises and puncture wounds similar to Zoe Kessler's invasive procedures. Grissom finds the telltale brand on Wolfowitz's upper arm. He's test subject #1. Catherine is puzzled: she just saw Wolfowitz yesterday. How could he be frozen? In the CSI parking lot, Grissom is confronted by Lady Heather. She wants to help him in his investigation, but he has to suspend judgment. Clearly, she loved her daughter who she found thoughtful, patient and pragmatic (like Grissom). She also recognized that having a dominatrix for a mother must have been difficult for Zoe. Their falling out had to do with Zoe getting pregnant in her junior year, and dropping out. The father was her therapist. Lady Heather called the AMA and got the man's license revoked. After that, Zoe stopped speaking to her. She doesn't know if she ever had the baby. She then hands Grissom a plastic sandwich bag containing a condom of semen. Revenge is an act of passion. She did what she had to do to get a DNA sample from Mr. Wolfowitz. She states that the sex act was consummated last night. Although she wants this monster to die like her daughter died, she is still willing to play by Grissom's rules. However, he informs her that Jacob Wolfowitz is dead…for at least two days now…and that makes Lady Heather a suspect in a homicide.
In DNA, Wendy Simms processes the condom containing Wolfowitz sperm, running it through the centrifuge. When Grissom comes in she has a number of things to report. First, the dirt outside the suspect's barn tested positive for human DNA, over a dozen profiles, one of them Zoe Kessler's. Secondly, the DNA from the condom is a match to the saliva found on the book page and Wolfowitz. In the CSI garage, Catherine processes Wolfowitz's car and finds a small blue capsule and bags it. She meets up with Grissom in the fingerprint lab. None of the prints lifted from the car belong to Wolfowitz; they belong to John Sneller. A dated picture of him on screen is identical to a young Wolfowitz. Sneller is Jacob Wolfowitz's identical twin--same DNA, different fingerprints. Sneller was in the army, stationed in Berlin until last year. The CSIs play with a scenario in which Sneller pays a surprise visit on his estranged brother, imprisons him, runs torturous and fatal medical experiments on him, brands him #1, then tosses him in the freezer they found in the barn. From that point on, he began impersonating his brother at the Betz Clinic.
Back at Wolfowitz's house, it's weirdly normal. Catherine finds a bottle of blue pills that tox couldn't match to anything in their inventory. It must be an experimental drug that Betz Pharmaceuticals is working on. Feeling hollow boards under his foot, Grissom finds a trap door that leads down to a chamber of horrors, including a lab with organs and specimens from 21 subjects. An S.S. logo hangs on the wall. Grissom realizes that in Sneller's twisted "Aryan" mind, Zoe Kessler would have been the perfect "uberwoman," except for her one brown eye. That's why Captain Jack was kidnapped and operated on. With Brass clearing the corners, they come upon two Asian identical twins surgically sewn together, back-to-back. One of them is dead, the other dies later at the hospital. The last thing Grissom takes a photo of is a ballet bar running the length of the room with sets of handcuffs. When he comes to #19, the handcuffs are bloodied from Zoe, who had desperately tried to gnaw her hand free.
Later, Catherine learns that Sneller was the twins' birth name, that they were adopted by a Jewish couple named Wolfowitz. Meanwhile, Grissom is going through John Sneller's journals and comes across his entry for Zoe, and that her father is unknown, that she gave birth to infant girl. When he leaves the basement to get some air, he notices Lady Heather's Gothic cross half under the sofa, obviously ripped off its chain in a struggle. He immediately questions the uniform in charge who assures him that the entire premises been secured? Grissom takes off in his vehicle, returning to the same road, the same spot where Zoe was found, and comes upon Sneller tied to the front grill guard of Lady Heather's SUV. She's literally beating him to death with her whip, a woman possessed. Grissom grabs her whip handle from behind: he cannot let her do this. He has robbed her of her final satisfaction, but the plea in his eyes reaches her. As he pulls her to him, she goes limp in his arms. |
啊人家是想看中文咩 :p
還是多謝噹大人對我英文能力的期許啦 XD
文章主題:RE:請問CSI第六季,海瑟夫人女兒那一集劇情? |
發表日期:2007/06/20 16:26:39 |
發條 |
E-mail:maya@lalacat.net |
IP:218.170.*.* |
海瑟夫人在第七季看起來比第六季年輕...........=_= |
文章主題:RE:請問CSI第六季,海瑟夫人女兒那一集劇情? |
發表日期:2007/06/20 19:56:21 |
亂髮 |
E-mail:f8704246@yahoo.com.tw |
IP:140.127.*.* |
我好想看CSI 喔~
不好意思~(鞠躬ing and 飄走) |
文章主題:RE:請問CSI第六季,海瑟夫人女兒那一集劇情? |
發表日期:2007/06/20 22:27:16 |
中古婦人 |
IP:220.134.*.* |
而且, 看到那一堆英文, 也突然有一種想法-----難怪以前老師告訴我,
關於CSI, 我也有一點點的想法----CSI很好看, 而我卻沒有辦法一季看過一季, 爲什麼呢? 明明一集集看的時候很好看......但就是沒辦法
一次看很多, 會睡著, 爲什麼??
我親愛的先生某一次去米國, 回國後說 " 嘿, 這次我在商店裏有看到CSI的外套在賣ㄟ, 我本來要買給你喔, 可是沒有女生的尺寸............................................................................................."
之後的, 我都沒聽見了, 只是問他 " 你真的覺得, 我會穿著它出門嗎? "
發條認識我, 她可以想見中古婦人穿著那個外套會是什麼模樣@@ |
文章主題:RE:請問CSI第六季,海瑟夫人女兒那一集劇情? |
發表日期:2007/06/21 00:11:25 |
DonDon |
E-mail:donsu@bellsouth.net |
IP:167.193.*.* |
CSI 在棄屍體處舉行大規模的地毯調查,在不遠的地方發現
瑟開門說 Wolfowitz 不在家...可是後來Wolfowitz 的屍體被發
到後來才知道是海瑟的女兒 Zoe,哈佛高才生,不幸大三那
搞的對方執照被吊銷.Zoe 因而氣到不跟老媽聯絡,搞消失.
Zoe參加一個 Betz 藥房的針對長期失眠患者的研究計劃,其
中她跟18號(Captain Jack,她一隻眼珠的原物主)是同一組,
最後發現是 Wolfowitz 有一個雙胞胎兄弟,叫 Sneller, 同DNA,
不同指紋.前不久才從駐柏林的陸軍回來. 他殺了自己的兄
結尾就是海瑟把 Sneller 綁在車頭鞭韃(這可不可以叫做 車
他!? 噗~)在差點把他打死前,老葛趕到阻止海瑟真的殺了
感謝噹大人的翻譯與摘要 XD
"車他" XD
看到那句話時,忍不住笑了 XD
感謝噹噹大好人∼∼ |
文章主題:RE:請問CSI第六季,海瑟夫人女兒那一集劇情? |
發表日期:2007/06/29 23:45:23 |
發條 |
E-mail:maya@lalacat.net |
IP:218.170.*.* |
文章主題:RE:請問CSI第六季,海瑟夫人女兒那一集劇情? |
發表日期:2007/06/30 00:32:04 |
歐吉桑 |
E-mail:bennyryo@gmail.com |
IP:220.134.*.* |
(Grey's Anatomy公共電視台有購入播放)
所以現在只追「The Closer」;
該劇女主角Kyra Sedgwick去年摘了金球獎,厲害的很啊!
(請自行前往IMDB查詢) |